Hi, I’m Sacha!
On Spicy Gelato Kitchen, you’ll find globally-inspired colorful comfort food, with a penchant for homemade takeout and restaurant favorites. Spicy Gelato Kitchen was designed with practicality in mind. I want you to be able to navigate easily and find what you want quickly!
I live in San Francisco, California, with my husband Rez, and our handsome Red Heeler mix Pesto Costello. My everyday cooking leans heavily towards Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines, and is largely based around seasonal produce from the farmers’ market.
I don’t subscribe to diet culture and feel that I’m at my best mentally and physically when I’m not living a restrictive lifestyle. Eating real foods and listening to my body is key. I may eat vegan Andalusian Gazpacho on Monday, Baja Fish Tacos on Tuesday, and whip up Butter Chicken on Wednesday; you catch my drift! This philosophy on food translates to my cooking style. On Spicy Gelato Kitchen you will find a wide array of recipes to satisfy any and all of your cravings!
Living in California means I’m blessed with glorious produce all year round; I will never take it for granted. I’m constantly in awe of the quality and variety of produce available locally. I typically visit a farmers’ market twice a week, and use whatever looks best as the jump off point for my recipes. You will find oodles of photos from my visits to the farmers’ market in my posts, along with fun facts about the ingredients I find.
My love for cooking really sparked from having a highly irregular schedule as a flight attendant. I would find myself wide-eyed and hungry at midnight (jet lag is wonderful), and started experimenting in my kitchen, learning about flavor profiles, and devouring cookbooks until the sun came up. This quickly became my way of unwinding after a long work trip where I constantly had to be “on”. It wasn’t unusual for me to hide away in my apartment for 2 days decompressing and cooking; in fact, it was expected by the people closest to me.
When I met my husband Rez, we quickly began traveling together extensively. My love of food and travel organically merged and I began taking cooking classes wherever we found ourselves. As soon as I land in a new country, I head to a local grocery store to peruse the aisles and always check out a local market; I’ve learned about many new ingredients and dishes that way!
I’m my happiest and feel the most like myself when I’m choosing ingredients, developing recipes, cooking, and styling. I adore feeding people; that’s how I show my love. My dad once told me that “the little things in life actually end up being the big things” and it makes a ton of sense to me. Simple moments like tasting the sweetest tomato, picking your own avocado, or trying a new fruit for the first time, brings so much joy to my life.
My hope is that Spicy Gelato Kitchen sparks your curiosity to get in the kitchen and try something new. I want to be that friend helping you build up your pantry (and your confidence), while expanding your repertoire, one new recipe at a time.
Welcome again to the Spicy Gelato Kitchen community! I’m so happy to see you!! Don’t be shy and stay in touch!
Keep it SPICY friends!!